A Premier Engineering Procurement Company & Consultant – Imre Drillings Solutions

May 20, 2022

Engineering procurement is a highly specialised field that requires expertise across a number of different areas. Despite this, some companies still insist on handling the engineering and procurement requirements they have in-house, relying on their own team to deliver the results they need. Here at Imre Drillings Solutions, a premier engineering procurement company and consultant, we understand the reasons why people might make this choice, but feel that using our services as an expert procurement consultant is much preferable. Employing an in-house procurement team will mean taking on several employees with expertise and experience in the field. In addition to the expense of the recruitment process, a business that handles procurement in-house will need to pay the wages of the engineering procurement team on a long-term or permanent basis, including during those periods in which industrial procurement services aren’t actually required.

Industrial Procurement Services

Take Advantage of Our Industrial Procurement Services

Working with Imre Drillings Solutions and accessing our industrial procurement services, on the other hand, means only paying for our expertise as and when you need it. As with any other business, the demands placed on an engineering or manufacturing company are going to fluctuate on the basis of a range of market forces and wider economic factors. When demand suddenly spikes, a company needs to have the ability to source the products and raw materials needed to meet that demand and meet it quickly. Any failure to do so will see ground being lost to competitors who are able to take advantage of industrial procurement services. Our role as a global procurement company means that we are perfectly placed to offer the services our clients need when procurement becomes an urgent requirement.

Industrial Procurement

Our New Flexible and Responsive Procurement Strategy

As specialists in industrial procurement, we make a point of constantly monitoring the markets and suppliers from which we purchase our products. Our in-depth knowledge enables us to act in a flexible and responsive manner, finding the best items for the best possible price and acting as a seamless link between our clients and the suppliers they rely upon. The quality of the service we provide is based, more than anything else, on the people we employ to deliver engineering procurement services. We pride ourselves on our commitment to innovation and utilising new approaches to procurement to maximise the value and quality offered to our clients.

Industrial Procurement Consultant

Our Commitment to Both Excellence and Value for Project Success

Our commitment to excellence is matched by a commitment to value because we want our clients to be able to utilise our procurement expertise within a reasonable working budget. As a procurement consultancy, we will also be able to work closely with clients on matters such as timetabling and forward planning, making sure that every aspect of the supply chain works seamlessly with every other in order to deliver the project as it needs to be delivered.

Come to Us with an Outline and We Get the Job Done for You

Our understanding of the global supply chain and how the many varied parts of that chain interact with each other is matched by our grasp of the businesses which our clients run. This means that a client can come to us with an outline of a project they need to deliver – including designs, drawings, plans, and manifests – and we’ll be able to take that raw data and use it to draw up a list of vendors and contractors needed to get the job done. The list we present clients with will be based on the latest data from across the globe and on our understanding of market trends and the likely future impact of external factors.

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